Moustached minion of the law of the land.
Peer down, engrossed in flaccid work
Humble words, patient, tired tone.
This patience, it counts, it is required
Till when though, movements look tired.
And then he stands, begins to walk
And then he hesitates, he cannot trod.
Who knows what occurred, what incident
What weakened his back, his legs, his step.
He looks tired, he is tired, yes he is
Tired of fighting, defending nothingness.
'Cause nothingness is all this is
A void you jump in, a void you sink in.
And from this void attempt to escape
And from this void you comprehend.
You comprehend what one seemed right
Is now not just wrong, is entirely evil.
Why should you just pretend to aid
Why not stride forward with a limp.
Today he sits, listens, directs
Today there is a glimmer of peace.
And peace is at the end of the line
So peace be it, let there be peace.
Update, Peevie, update!
I don't feel wanted.
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